The Ark of Covenant – What do their measurements signify?

The Ark of covenant is not just a piece of wood with measurements running widths to cubits, but overflows with life and vigor. Noah’s ark was full of life with living things. These living things lived and thrived while those outside the ark and the world outside was dying. A shift of focus to the inside of the ark gives us an insight into
The treasured heavenly Manna (spiritual and physical Nourishment to live, The Budding Rod of Aaron (The rod of authority), and the laws of Moses (Bread of life, Jesus Christ) Testament. In the New Testament, the ark depicts a personality with life and blood, Jesus Christ and all that this ark was measured with was love. The only measurement was love. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord., (Manna-the Living bread, Budding Rod-becomes Jesus as Rod of authority, and the commandments –The word of God).The Levites carried the ark of covenant and crossed over, In the new testament the ark of covenant carried became a personality “Jesus Christ “who as a significance of immersion in Jordan, crossed over through the parting of heavens from the worldly realm to the spirit realm that descended on him.